cctv lens




PVG Airport logistic surveillance
author:admin  time:2013-6-8  Number of click:2573

PACTL Project
Together with brother company, Soyo finished a new project in PVG aiport logistic park, covering 3-8mm 2.0 Megapixel IR CCTV lens, 2.8-12mm 2.0 Megapixel IR CCTV lens,10-50mm 3.0 Megapixel CCTV lens.
This is the third time Soyo mantainant the PVG airport logistic park, which reflects that Soyo CCTV lens is the best solution regarding as price and quality.
" Soyo, is a reliable and good lens to track event and make everything goes well" said Vice manager of purchasing Mr. Wang.
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