cctv lens




Auto-focus Bi-telecentric Lenses
author:admin  time:2022-10-14  Number of click:1109

We know that, bi-telecentric lens we use is to check the strict accuracy application, for tiny defect inspection and scratch checking, especially important is for measurement; which has higher accuracy than common FA lenses and also cost higher a little.

However, do you have some projects that less quantity but many different size of objects, or many different DOF/height of objects or the tested object is related to food/pharmacy/liqor etc. that is far clean & safe which limited the hunmanbeing, then, we need such auto-focus lenses.

More information please browse SMZ-DM1105


We are focusing on CCTV lensmegapixel lensesFA lensmachine vision lensfisheye lensesmotorized zoom lenscomputer vision lensM12/M10/M8/M16 lens, Varifocal lensmanual iris lensline scan lensanti-vibration lens, 360 degree lens, mono-focal lens, CS lenstelecentric lensbi-telecentric lens, ITS lens, pinhole lenslinear zoom lensout-wall lens