cctv lens




8.0 Megapixel lenses 1" 75mm
author:admin  time:2017-9-8  Number of click:1111

There are variety of machine vision lenses and fixed lenses 2/3" and 1", but mostly covering from 12mm - 35mm, the rarely focal length are 50mm and 75mm one, especially the 75mm one, with few suppliers. With the more and more inquiries from customers, we started the 75mm 1" lenses RD and sales works. 8.0 megapixel 1" F2.8 and 75mm. The new lenses launch helps us win a lot of new customers that left us few time ago because of lacking of such kind of lenses.

Contact: Fany Chow    Cell: 86-18949838193   Email:       Skype: soyocctv
CCTV lens, megapixel lens varifocal lens,camera lens,machine vision lens, motorized zoom lens, fisheye lens, FA lens, industrial lens, M12 lens, color sorting lens, MTV lens, board lens,lenses,lentz